TRU Compliance offers a performance based engineering approach to test nonstructural components for the ability to maintain structural integrity, and other structural code requirements. Special Seismic Certification, also referred to as Seismic Qualification, is a product approval for components like mechanical and electrical systems. Evaluation of the nonstructural components test their ability to withstand earthquakes and meet functional requirements following these events.
The goal of special seismic certification is to ensure that:
- Life-safety systems (fire suppression, egress lighting, etc.) function in ALL buildings regardless of occupancy category
- Essential facilities (hospitals, police and fire stations, emergency shelters, military installations, nuclear facilities, etc.) are able to function and provide critical services following a seismic event
- Hazardous and toxic materials are not released in quantities above limits specified by code

TRU Compliance maintains a network of affiliate and partner labs for seismic certification throughout the United States providing our clients with extensive options for testing products of all sizes.
The map showcases the test labs TRU Compliance works with.