Image above: Photo by Noah Berger courtesy of UCSF Temporary or Permanent? Increasing Hospital…

Blast Certification of Doors & Windows
A Better Way: Blast Certification of Doors and Windows
The blast engineer faces a huge challenge when it comes to specifying blast products on a project. Typical government buildings have multiple window and door types in multiple zones of blast intensity. Since blast loads are specified with pressure and duration, no single parameter defines the performance criteria. Door and window manufacturers work hard to market their products to government contractors, but are inconsistent in the way they present their blast rated products in a complicated web of static testing, dynamic testing, and engineering calculations that makes a contractor unsure the product actually meets the specs.
At TRU Compliance, we have experienced the frustration firsthand. That’s why we advise our clients to test a limited selection of doors or windows to validate their whole product line, filling in gaps with site-specific engineering calculations. Our certification meets the latest AAMA standards and we can support our clients through their sales process. Every product certified comes with a TRU Certificate of Compliance and a product certification label that can be laser engraved or adhered to the product.
TRU Compliance is your go-to certification agency to make sure your products get noticed and to streamline submittal approval. Call 844.TRU.0200 or go to to get started.